artificial intelligence

In science fiction films from Hollywood, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a reliable success at the box office for decades: Robots - whether as faithful companions on adventure journeys such as R2D2 or villains who want to seize world domination. But what about reality? Keynote speaker, Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad, knows the answer to this question. The computer scientist and brain researcher knows how far artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed and researched so far. Moreover, he poses the provocative question: Are we smarter than the robots that are constantly learning?

At last since chatGPT everyone agrees that artificial intelligence already plays in our everyday lives and will always stays with us. But what does that entail? Where does the human being stand? What about our intelligence? How does our brain function? And how does technology affect our thinking?

Many inventions of today will change our lives in the near future - the playlist, which suggests suitable songs, chatGPT, smart homes that control lamps and roller shutters have long become reality, and even self-driving cars that learn by themselves will reach the mass market in just a few years. However, do you also know the progress that AI is already making in medicine today? How good are chatbots and robots in customer communication? Would you let chatGPT replace a therapist? 

Artificial intelligence is hardly defined today. For some, it's ChatGPT or Alexa; for others, it's machine learning and far too often it's just synonymous with new - even if no intelligent technology is used," explains the brain researcher. "But only few people really know what artificial intelligence can do better than we do, nor do they know where its limits lie. We are far away from an AI that replaces us humans on a broad scale."

There have long been computer programs that are more intelligent than humans, but only in certain areas, Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad knows: "But we humans too can become more intelligent! We must learn from AI and also use the latest findings from brain research. Whether we are prepared to do this will determine whether we will continue to control the computers in the future, or they control us.

Should we be afraid of AI? Dr. Konrad clearly mentions the dangers of the new technologies, which, however, depend on the way we humans use them. Of course, this is also where the great potential of artificial intelligence lies. In his lecture, Boris Nikolai Konrad as a Guinness World Record holder for memory and neuroscientist will focus on understanding the human brain's remarkable ability to learn and adapt. This is crucial in the context of AI and its impact on the way we learn and process information.
By starting with a highly entertaining, world-class memory performance, he will demonstrate how we can enhance our own cognitive abilities. You will then learn where biological human intelligence comes from, how close a statistical neural network in a computer is to a brain, and what ChatGPT means for people and businesses today and tomorrow.

You will gain a clear picture of what AI can and cannot do. You will also learn thinking tools for a more productive and fulfilling future.

Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad is convinced: "The future is good! If we use the best AI and at the same time remain willing to learn from it ourselves".


  • Hype or reality: What is AI really capable of?

  • Chance or risk: What will AI change?

  • Future Brain: How does technology change our thinking?

  • Machine Learning: How do we get human thinking into the computer?

  • ChatGPT: Will it become concious?

  • Be ready to learn: AI will not replace us, but we must be willing to learn!

Length: Recommended for lectures of 30 to 75 minutes. Suitable both for in-person and virtual events.


On request, a keynote by Boris can we followed by a subsequent panel discussion or question and answer session. It is also possible to book it in connection with an event moderation by Boris. This speech is most suitable for the classic keynote, but also as a TED-style talk.

Don't miss the chance to gain valuable insights into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its impact on our lives, businesses, and education.
Book this cutting-edge keynote today and be inspired, challenged, and ready to embrace the opportunities!

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